Tuesday, April 24, 2018

A Glistening White “Herd of Dogs”
a dream to refocused my life-Evelyn Donnell

I am outside in an open, partially area.
A few other people are with me. 
Suddenly there is a lot of twigs snapping, earth pounding noise in this once quiet place.

A pack of dogs, all sizes, all breeds, all ages, from puppies to obviously old mature ones, come racing through the woods, close to where I am standing. Though so different in appearance, they have one thing in common. The hair that covers their bodies is GLISTENING, pure, unspotted White and it seems to be glowing with light.

This is so unusual, I comment about it to one of my companions.
The dogs are undistracted by we humans, pounding ahead on the trail as though running a race.

I see a young puppy. Trying to keep up with the group. I bend down and sweep him up in my arms giving him a “Treat” fetched out of my pocket. He gives me a quick kiss, wiggles furiously and when I put him back down, he immediately rejoins the racing dogs, headed to some unknown goal up ahead. This ends my idea of taking him home with me to be “my puppy.”

Some time later, reviewing this dream, I asked, Father God 
What was this dream about, His answer came a couple of days later after my persistent questioning.
“Why dogs? - Because you love dogs and will not dismiss this dream as you would if it was a herd of deer, elk, etc.”
“Why though so different in breeds, were they all so glistening white?”
“They were all covered by the Holy Spirit. They were all mine.”
“Why were they running, persistently, undeterred, even the puppy I wanted to take home?” What was up ahead? What was so important?
“I was calling them. Each one called by name. The goal was Me.”

In retrospect, reviewing my dream, I thought-
No, Rabbit Trails, Evelyn, no falling into pits of despair, no Treats to Tempt you off Trail, stay focused. Remember who is waiting for you up ahead. He is the one you belong to. His home is your home. 

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

The Other Side of the Door
by Evelyn Donnell

A couple of days ago I was upstairs in my little hide-a-way office writing checks to pay October bills and mulling over charitable donation requests.

Lori our big dog leaped up from her stretched out sleeping position, vigorously banking at me and running to the head of the stairs. Downstairs someone was knocking at the outside door. 

“I’m coming! I’m coming!” I yelled as I descended. Lori was well ahead of me, barking the same message.

Glancing out the door window I saw Dale, our neighbor of eighteen years standing outside. -We are not intimate friends, but we are good neighbors. When winter snows come, Dale rides over on his motorized snow plow and plows us out. When Dale and his wire Sybil are gone RVing we gather in their mail and newspapers, keeping them dry and safe until they return.

Over a year ago when Dale was diagnosed with cancer he came over and requested we “kinda look after the place” when he and Sybil were in Boise for his surgery. He had unexpected tears in his eyes when I asked him if I could pray for him. He hugged and thanked me when I finished. I asked Dale if he knew Jesus personally as his Lord and Savior?” He answered, “ Yes, I do, even went to Sunday School a few times when I was a kid. - I’m just not interest in going to church with all those hymn singing Christians!”

Now a year later, he was at my door again. Two big tumors had showed up and he and Sybil would be on their way to Boise again. “Would you folks look after the mail and newspapers ‘till we’re back?”

I said, “Sure Dale, if you’ll let me pray for you again.” “Remember God gave you a whole good year “Cancer free”. You and Sybil got to go camping, take your trip to Hawaii and hold your first great grandson in your arms. Dale struggled to repress tears, but he had a whole different look on his face than when he first told me of his cancer a year ago. This time he grasped both my hands as we prayed, me aloud, him silently. When we finished, I saw hope in his eyes.

As 90 years old I some times ask God, “Why am I still here? - other than to take care of my recalcitrant, yet very lovable husband of 67 years? Isn’t it time for me to be writing, teaching, and drawing pictures and painting murals on the walls of my new home in Heaven?”

Then the doorbell rings. Faithful Lori barks, there’s my answer, standing on the other side of the door!

Monday, September 12, 2016

This word is meant for all true Believers in Jesus Christ.


This is a different time, a new time, in the long history of mankind.  It comes at the culmination of history as well know it and have experienced it throughout the ages. What is the difference now? What has changed?

The gate to the Garden of Eden is open, wide open. The angel with the flaming sword has been told to “Stand aside” and let God’s people in to reclaim the place where everything began.

Men and women, after endless years of “Rebellion-Repentance, Suffering-Overcoming, Losing-Winning, Accepting Jesus-Rejecting him as Lord and Savior; after expulsion and wandering far away from Eden, at long last we are invited to return. We are coming full circle, back to Eden.

Since the gate is wide open we can enter, or leave at will. But Satan and his fallen angels can do the same thing. However it is not as easy to entice and deceive people as it was in the beginning.  Satan is no longer dealing with innocent, untrained, gullible civilians. Many of God’s people are “seasoned warriors”. God’s Spirit lives in each one of us. We have the full armor of God to protect us, some have learned to use the sharp, lethal sword of the Word of God.

Battles with our adversaries are no longer sneaky, disguised enemies jumping out from behind trees and bushes, lurking in the dark holes of space. We can recognize Satan’s tactics. We walk with the our Commander in Chief, his light surrounds us, dispelling darkness. We can see his scars imprinted at Calvary when he gave his life for each one of us so we too can be resurrected from eternal death into eternal life with Father God.

Our God is allowing the final battles to be fought right in the beautiful garden of Eden that He created for us so long ago. Sometimes the smell, the noise, the heat of the battles we are engaged in, are bloody and frightening. But the victory is foretold in Revelations the end is clearly in sight. We residents of Eden live by an open gate. We go in and out to work in the world. We take fruits and seeds of Eden to scatter all over the world. We are to scatter them in our own neighborhoods as well. If anyone asks, we are to show them the way to Eden and tell them the gate is “wide open”! Come and see!

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Wake Up! Wake Up!

Does GOD speak through Art? You decide!
As I drew this picture I had no idea what it would say to me. Frankly I thought it would become an illustration for a Children's Story.
The next day I realized this was a "pictorial vision", speaking about the condition of the church today in America.
1 - The large sphere represents the World.
2 - The furry animal asleep on top of the sphere represents most of the Christian Church.
3 - The small, agitated Bird is shouting, "What are you doing up there?-Wake up! Wake up! Before you fall off.!"
4 - The small ugly Creature with a party hat on is hiding in the shadow of the Cube,- the enemy waiting to attack.
5 - The two trees are significant; one is crooked and twisted; the other, Tall and straight, They are planted side by side, one on is useable. 

Blessed is the man
Who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly,
Nor stands in the path of sinners,
Nor sits in the seat of the scornful;
But his delight is in the law of the Lord,
And in His law he meditates day and night.
He shall be like a tree
Planted by the rivers of water,
That brings forth its fruit in its season
Psalm 1:1-3

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Sunday morning, June 26, our Pastor David talked about God's Open Doors.  I nodded "Yes, yes!" as visions and words flooded my mind. I resisted an urge to get up, go to the podium and tell others about what I was hearing and seeing.  The vision kept coming and I didn't want do this until I had the whole vision.  So I missed God's timing, but He's having me write it out out for you now.
The vision began with what God has been saying about sending us "Open Windows", windows that will allow us to see what is going on in heaven, in our own lives and on earth these days. Look up and you will see mysteries made clear that you haven't seen or understood before.
When I looked I saw a plain, rectangular window in an almost empty room, except I was standing there.  I also saw a storm was taking place outside the closed window.  Lightening flashed, there were deep rolls of thunder, and rain pelted the glass.  Even so, I opened the window and some of the storm came into my room.  I slammed the window shut, thinking, surely I'm not supposed to open this window while the storm is raging!
Then I heard His voice. "I want you to trust me and open the window. I'm in control of the storm. You may get a little wet, but it will not harm you." - So I opened the window again and stood observing the drama in the heavens.  Next I saw great shafts of light coming down from above and piercing through thick black mountains of clouds.  They came like swiftly moving javelins of pure light that split the clouds apart, moving them back. Light entered my room and with it came a fresh, after the rain fragrance. I stood in front of the window, head thrown back, breathing in great gulps of clean, life giving air.  Then the vision faded.
Note: God's dreams and visions come with His authority. So look for windows in your life and don't be afraid to open them, even in the middle of a storm. God is with you. You will begin to see and understand what is happening to you and to people all around this planet. Mysteries may be explained and happenings may begin to make better sense.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

This dream began with singing.  I was in a large room glowing with suffused sunlight streaming in through wide open windows.  Gentle breezes filled the room and there was the fragrance of flowers from a visible garden outside.  People spontaneously gathered together to sing.  The mood was informal and joyous.

I stood on a small platform, encouraging and leading the group.  Individuals would sing out a familiar song and all of us joined in and filled the room with music.  Many songs were old hymns, others contemporary, but familiar to everyone.  Then we began singing the patriotic songs.  "America the Beautiful". "Oh Say Can You See By the Dawn's Early Light", "I'm A Yankee Doodle Dandy" and "God Bless America".  These were followed by a few minutes of silence.  I searched my heart for another song and remembered, "My Country 'tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, Of thee I sing! Land where my fathers died, land of the Pilgrims' pride, from every mountainside let ____________ ?????? ring." To my shock I couldn't remember the right word in the last line of the verse. - "let WHAT ring?" - Let victory ring?" No that wasn't the right word. "Let our voices ring?" That wasn't right either. "Let liberty ring?" Well that made more sense, but still wasn't right! Then I asked, "Do any of you know the right word?" Some offered words but none seemed to fit. I was dismayed. This familiar song hung there unfinished. People were confused and disappointed.  The group quickly dispersed.  Dark shadows filled the room. As I woke up I was still searching for the "right word". While in bed, I went over and over the verses.  No word appeared. Yet I felt it was very important not to forget this dream and to continue to look for the elusive word.

After breakfast I prayed, "Please, Please God help me find the right word that for some unknown reason is missing." Later that day after looking through books and files (all to no avail) disappointment turned to excitement. In my mind I saw a blue paper collection of songs I'd considered discarding months ago, but didn't.  There it was! The song of my dream, "AMERICA". In the last line of the first verse was the missing word!

"My country, 'tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing! Land where my fathers died, land of the pilgrims' pride, from every mountainside, let freedom (FREEDOM) ring."

FREEDOM! FREEDOM! LORD ARE YOU TELLING US WE HAVE LOST OUR FREEDOM? Or are we in the process of losing it? A scripture immediately came to mind. "He who the Son has set free is free indeed (John 8:36)." Unlike all other religions beliefs, as Christians you can't work your way to God no matter how many good deeds you do.  You are invited to come to Him.  You are free to choose; good or evil, heaven or hell, eternal life or eternal death, freedom or enslavement. In jail Saint Paul was still free. Are you? It's a choice. It's a gift of God. Please remember this and don't let it be taken away, from America, from you, from your children and children's children!!
What does freedom mean to you?

Saturday, May 9, 2015


Just as He did with the prophets of old, God speaks to people through dreams and visions. In this present day our need to hear from God who is the source of all life is greater than ever. Our dreams when interpreted often provide answers to what is happening today. Our dreams can give wisdom for a personal problem. Sincerely ask for "eyes to see and ears to hear" and understanding will come.
For example:
A couple of mornings ago I woke up with a distinct sensation that I was rising up out of a deep pool of crystal clear water.  I knew I had been dreaming.  There were pictures and sounds of that dream all around me.  Once I broke through the water's surface, still half dreaming, half awake. I heard the word: "Recall and Write" "Recall and Write". I wasn't sure I could recall the dream as it was fading quickly. I grabbed a pen and tablet and began to write.
The dream:
I was in a large airport. People were wheeling baggage by or were waiting impatiently in ticket lines. Carts piled high with luggage were weaving through the travelers on foot. Escalators loaded with people were going up and down in constant waves. Fear, frustration, confusion were felt. Obviously something had happened that created an anxious, harassed environment.
I stood in a group of people, right in the middle of the flow of traffic. About 15 of us had stopped rushing about and gathered together. The object was to try and figure out what had happened and what we needed to do.  Each one shared information even as constant announcements kept coming over a loudspeaker.  It was difficult to understand what officially was said.  Outside of our group there was obvious confusion. Inside was tangible peace. Children were reassured "You will be OK."  A couple of old people sitting close together in their wheelchairs were holding blue veined hands. Someone leaned over them and said, "Don't worry. We will help you."  Both relaxed and smiled. I myself had become a kind of spokes person, leading the group discussions and encouraging calmness and peace despite our situation. I made some light-hearted comments, repeatedly using humor to release tensions. A baby in his daddy's arms stopped crying. A grey haired man in an overcoat pointed his finger and said, "Madame this is no joking matter!" Then he burst out laughing. His laughter became contagious.  People applauded, nodded heads, laughed. Two little girls danced a jig as the group made room for them and clapped hands. I shouted, "THE JOY OF THE LORD IS OUR STRENGTH!" and many in the group repeated the words. A fearful situation took on the character of a REVIVAL. We began singing familiar hymns and a few patriotic songs. People hurrying by on either side of our group stopped to listen in amazement. Some laughed and smiled with us. Some clapped their hands. Others hurried by, ignoring what was happening.
That was the end of my dream and it came as I was moving up through that crystal clear water mentioned at the beginning of this dream. As I neared the surface, all pictures and sounds quickly faded. I found myself back in my own bed, with the clock showing it was now 4:00 am.  I cried out to the Maker of Dreams, "Father, help me remember all I heard and saw." And as you read this account, you can see He did.