Saturday, May 9, 2015


Just as He did with the prophets of old, God speaks to people through dreams and visions. In this present day our need to hear from God who is the source of all life is greater than ever. Our dreams when interpreted often provide answers to what is happening today. Our dreams can give wisdom for a personal problem. Sincerely ask for "eyes to see and ears to hear" and understanding will come.
For example:
A couple of mornings ago I woke up with a distinct sensation that I was rising up out of a deep pool of crystal clear water.  I knew I had been dreaming.  There were pictures and sounds of that dream all around me.  Once I broke through the water's surface, still half dreaming, half awake. I heard the word: "Recall and Write" "Recall and Write". I wasn't sure I could recall the dream as it was fading quickly. I grabbed a pen and tablet and began to write.
The dream:
I was in a large airport. People were wheeling baggage by or were waiting impatiently in ticket lines. Carts piled high with luggage were weaving through the travelers on foot. Escalators loaded with people were going up and down in constant waves. Fear, frustration, confusion were felt. Obviously something had happened that created an anxious, harassed environment.
I stood in a group of people, right in the middle of the flow of traffic. About 15 of us had stopped rushing about and gathered together. The object was to try and figure out what had happened and what we needed to do.  Each one shared information even as constant announcements kept coming over a loudspeaker.  It was difficult to understand what officially was said.  Outside of our group there was obvious confusion. Inside was tangible peace. Children were reassured "You will be OK."  A couple of old people sitting close together in their wheelchairs were holding blue veined hands. Someone leaned over them and said, "Don't worry. We will help you."  Both relaxed and smiled. I myself had become a kind of spokes person, leading the group discussions and encouraging calmness and peace despite our situation. I made some light-hearted comments, repeatedly using humor to release tensions. A baby in his daddy's arms stopped crying. A grey haired man in an overcoat pointed his finger and said, "Madame this is no joking matter!" Then he burst out laughing. His laughter became contagious.  People applauded, nodded heads, laughed. Two little girls danced a jig as the group made room for them and clapped hands. I shouted, "THE JOY OF THE LORD IS OUR STRENGTH!" and many in the group repeated the words. A fearful situation took on the character of a REVIVAL. We began singing familiar hymns and a few patriotic songs. People hurrying by on either side of our group stopped to listen in amazement. Some laughed and smiled with us. Some clapped their hands. Others hurried by, ignoring what was happening.
That was the end of my dream and it came as I was moving up through that crystal clear water mentioned at the beginning of this dream. As I neared the surface, all pictures and sounds quickly faded. I found myself back in my own bed, with the clock showing it was now 4:00 am.  I cried out to the Maker of Dreams, "Father, help me remember all I heard and saw." And as you read this account, you can see He did. 

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