This dream began with singing. I was in a large room glowing with suffused sunlight streaming in through wide open windows. Gentle breezes filled the room and there was the fragrance of flowers from a visible garden outside. People spontaneously gathered together to sing. The mood was informal and joyous.
I stood on a small platform, encouraging and leading the group. Individuals would sing out a familiar song and all of us joined in and filled the room with music. Many songs were old hymns, others contemporary, but familiar to everyone. Then we began singing the patriotic songs. "America the Beautiful". "Oh Say Can You See By the Dawn's Early Light", "I'm A Yankee Doodle Dandy" and "God Bless America". These were followed by a few minutes of silence. I searched my heart for another song and remembered, "My Country 'tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, Of thee I sing! Land where my fathers died, land of the Pilgrims' pride, from every mountainside let ____________ ?????? ring." To my shock I couldn't remember the right word in the last line of the verse. - "let WHAT ring?" - Let victory ring?" No that wasn't the right word. "Let our voices ring?" That wasn't right either. "Let liberty ring?" Well that made more sense, but still wasn't right! Then I asked, "Do any of you know the right word?" Some offered words but none seemed to fit. I was dismayed. This familiar song hung there unfinished. People were confused and disappointed. The group quickly dispersed. Dark shadows filled the room. As I woke up I was still searching for the "right word". While in bed, I went over and over the verses. No word appeared. Yet I felt it was very important not to forget this dream and to continue to look for the elusive word.
After breakfast I prayed, "Please, Please God help me find the right word that for some unknown reason is missing." Later that day after looking through books and files (all to no avail) disappointment turned to excitement. In my mind I saw a blue paper collection of songs I'd considered discarding months ago, but didn't. There it was! The song of my dream, "AMERICA". In the last line of the first verse was the missing word!
"My country, 'tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing! Land where my fathers died, land of the pilgrims' pride, from every mountainside, let freedom (FREEDOM) ring."
FREEDOM! FREEDOM! LORD ARE YOU TELLING US WE HAVE LOST OUR FREEDOM? Or are we in the process of losing it? A scripture immediately came to mind. "He who the Son has set free is free indeed (John 8:36)." Unlike all other religions beliefs, as Christians you can't work your way to God no matter how many good deeds you do. You are invited to come to Him. You are free to choose; good or evil, heaven or hell, eternal life or eternal death, freedom or enslavement. In jail Saint Paul was still free. Are you? It's a choice. It's a gift of God. Please remember this and don't let it be taken away, from America, from you, from your children and children's children!!
What does freedom mean to you?
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