Tuesday, April 24, 2018

A Glistening White “Herd of Dogs”
a dream to refocused my life-Evelyn Donnell

I am outside in an open, partially area.
A few other people are with me. 
Suddenly there is a lot of twigs snapping, earth pounding noise in this once quiet place.

A pack of dogs, all sizes, all breeds, all ages, from puppies to obviously old mature ones, come racing through the woods, close to where I am standing. Though so different in appearance, they have one thing in common. The hair that covers their bodies is GLISTENING, pure, unspotted White and it seems to be glowing with light.

This is so unusual, I comment about it to one of my companions.
The dogs are undistracted by we humans, pounding ahead on the trail as though running a race.

I see a young puppy. Trying to keep up with the group. I bend down and sweep him up in my arms giving him a “Treat” fetched out of my pocket. He gives me a quick kiss, wiggles furiously and when I put him back down, he immediately rejoins the racing dogs, headed to some unknown goal up ahead. This ends my idea of taking him home with me to be “my puppy.”

Some time later, reviewing this dream, I asked, Father God 
What was this dream about, His answer came a couple of days later after my persistent questioning.
“Why dogs? - Because you love dogs and will not dismiss this dream as you would if it was a herd of deer, elk, etc.”
“Why though so different in breeds, were they all so glistening white?”
“They were all covered by the Holy Spirit. They were all mine.”
“Why were they running, persistently, undeterred, even the puppy I wanted to take home?” What was up ahead? What was so important?
“I was calling them. Each one called by name. The goal was Me.”

In retrospect, reviewing my dream, I thought-
No, Rabbit Trails, Evelyn, no falling into pits of despair, no Treats to Tempt you off Trail, stay focused. Remember who is waiting for you up ahead. He is the one you belong to. His home is your home. 

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