Monday, September 12, 2016

This word is meant for all true Believers in Jesus Christ.


This is a different time, a new time, in the long history of mankind.  It comes at the culmination of history as well know it and have experienced it throughout the ages. What is the difference now? What has changed?

The gate to the Garden of Eden is open, wide open. The angel with the flaming sword has been told to “Stand aside” and let God’s people in to reclaim the place where everything began.

Men and women, after endless years of “Rebellion-Repentance, Suffering-Overcoming, Losing-Winning, Accepting Jesus-Rejecting him as Lord and Savior; after expulsion and wandering far away from Eden, at long last we are invited to return. We are coming full circle, back to Eden.

Since the gate is wide open we can enter, or leave at will. But Satan and his fallen angels can do the same thing. However it is not as easy to entice and deceive people as it was in the beginning.  Satan is no longer dealing with innocent, untrained, gullible civilians. Many of God’s people are “seasoned warriors”. God’s Spirit lives in each one of us. We have the full armor of God to protect us, some have learned to use the sharp, lethal sword of the Word of God.

Battles with our adversaries are no longer sneaky, disguised enemies jumping out from behind trees and bushes, lurking in the dark holes of space. We can recognize Satan’s tactics. We walk with the our Commander in Chief, his light surrounds us, dispelling darkness. We can see his scars imprinted at Calvary when he gave his life for each one of us so we too can be resurrected from eternal death into eternal life with Father God.

Our God is allowing the final battles to be fought right in the beautiful garden of Eden that He created for us so long ago. Sometimes the smell, the noise, the heat of the battles we are engaged in, are bloody and frightening. But the victory is foretold in Revelations the end is clearly in sight. We residents of Eden live by an open gate. We go in and out to work in the world. We take fruits and seeds of Eden to scatter all over the world. We are to scatter them in our own neighborhoods as well. If anyone asks, we are to show them the way to Eden and tell them the gate is “wide open”! Come and see!