Friday, December 7, 2012

Christmas Street Child 

Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the Lord my soul to keep.
If I should not die before I wake,
I pray the Lord, you won’t forsake
This Run-a-Way child, so far from thee,
You must squint your eyes, her plight to see.
Please find her a dinner in a can heaped high
With half eaten burgers and warm french fries.
Cover her frozen feet this cold Christmas night
As she sits here in a dark alley, hidden from sight.

Father God, are you real? Are angels real too?
Can the prodigals come home?  Can love be renewed?
Will church bells still peal, do choirs still sing?
Will my someone unlock the door if I reach out and ring?
I’m not sure what will happen, but I know I must try.
Please, keep me safe while I’m napping, please hear my cry,
I've been wrong, and have been wronged, for many a day,
But I can’t solve my problems by running away.
So help me find a home and know I’m still loved,
If there’s no home for me here, I’ll find one up above.
By Evelyn Donnell
Christmas 2012

This poem has a universal appeal because at some time we are all “street children”- lost, feeling forsaken, wondering if anyone cares.  But that tiny light of hope is in our heart, and as we feed it with faith it grows to a blaze that lights up even dark alleys in our lives.

Christmas Street Child Commentary:
If you give “anything” desperately needed to a young, old, hungry, alienated, hopeless person the bible tells us it is like giving a gift to Jesus.  He promises, “great is your reward”.

Is it wrong to desire a reward?  I think not.  We all love rewards when they are genuine.  They assure us we did something well that pleased our Father’s heart.  In reaching out to those in need we have expressed His unconditional love which is part of the “First and Greatest Commandment”.

But since this blog is about dreams and visions, where does this Christmas poem fit?  It did not come from a dream or vision, for I asked Him what He desired to be said.  He has taught me to believe in “sanctified imagination” generated by the Holy Spirit who lives in us when we are Believers.

Merry Christmas EJD