Eight school age boys were on their knees in a circle, playing a game of marbles. The game was in the middle of a nearly deserted city street. The buildings on either side looked boarded up and lifeless. No cars were parked on the street. One car drove past, honking at the boys to move, then the driver, exasperated went around them. The marble players never looked up.
The boys wore ragged clothes. Some had their knees exposed, sticking out through threadbare jeans. Others had rips in their wrinkled shirts and jerseys. One common identity was the baseball cap on each head, turned backward and covering kinky, stringy, or shaggy cut hair. There were smudged faces, grubby hands and dirt under finger nails. But the street dirt had been meticulously brushed away from the chalked circle that held their marbles. For the most part the players were quiet and completely absorbed in the game.
I looked down the empty street and was surprised to see a large, luminous ball of light, moving rapidly toward the marble players. The boys were unaware, never looking up, they remained intent upon what they were doing.
When the light was about a block away, it stopped and began fading. A tall man stepped out of the light and walked toward the boys. He wore a luminous white robe with gold straps across his chest. From his burnished belt, a leather marble bag dangled. When he stopped in front of the circle of boys, they became suddenly aware of him. They began elbowing each other, nodding or pointing in his direction. Several commented on the white baseball cap the stranger wore. It had been turned backwards and pulled down over long, dark hair.
“Boys, may I play too?”
“Sure, Mister” said the biggest boy. “Lets see what you can do.”
The boys shifted position, making room. They watched intently as he pulled out a large, glowing white “shooter” from his leather bag, then knelt down in their circle ready to play.
The biggest boy announced, “We’ll start the game over.” He gathered all the marbles in his hands and threw them down, helter shelter in the circle. He nodded to the stranger, “OK, Go Man!”
The white robed stranger took careful aim and knocked every marble out of the circle. If two marbles were close together, they both went out, accompanied by the intake of breath from the watching boys.
The stranger rose up from his knees, retrieved the wonderful white “shooter” and tossed it to the one of the smaller boys. He smiled, turned and walked back in the direction he had come from, down the deserted street.
The boys scrambled quickly to their feet. “Hey, wait!”
They left behind whatever they had brought with them, including their precious marbles, except for the white “shooter”. They ran, urging the smaller ones along, propelled in his direction. The last I saw of them, the boys were surrounding the white robed man. Some grabbed his hand, some grabbed his robe. The man picked up the smallest boy and put him on his shoulders. They were laughing and talking, until the luminous ball of light enveloped them all and disappeared.
Suddenly the street was no longer deserted. Cars were driving back and forth. People were walking on the sidewalks. Stores were open and doing business. Life was back to normal, but not so for eight little boys who ran after the man who knew how to win at marbles.
MY QUESTION IS, WHAT DOES ALL THIS MEAN? I thought of several scriptures, and I’m still on a word hunt to explain what I saw. The white robed man is obviously Christ. The marble players are most likely just whom they appeared to be. But I think there are a lot of teachings wrapped up in this strange vision God showed me last week. ~Any ideas?
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