Hi Bloggers! It's been a while since my last entry due to surgery and recovery. But now dreams and visions are returning. I share this latest one with enthusiasm expecting it may have a message for you as well as for me.
"THE DANCE" WAS A TOTALLY UNEXPECTED vision. It didn't appear in a video screen set before my eyes. At first it was like pictures in my mind. Now that I think of it, like photos being slid into an old fashioned stereoscope 3D viewer. My grandmother had one in her parlor on the second floor of a big brownstone home in Philadelphia. As a small child it was fun to get out a shoe box filled with pictures of family, celebrities, and scenes from all around the world and view them in the stereoscope. The difference was my vision came with movement and sound. I watched intently at what is described here, called THE DANCE.
"EVERYTHING ON PLANET EARTH IS IN MOTION". We think we are standing still, but we are not. We say the sun is rising or setting. It is not. Everything is in motion. Everything has a music, a music of movement, of rhythm and sounds. Even when sitting in a chair, lying quietly on a bed, poised frozen in fear, or caught in that time defying moment before flight; even when surprised momentarily into silence and inaction, we are still throbbing to unidentified music of a great cosmic heartbeat. I see fingers on a keyboard, hear breath blown through a golden horn, watch hands stroking strings, or palms pounding drums. - Life is full of compelling motion and sound. We are receiving a coveted invitation to a dance!
We who know the Lord of the Dance, who is our teacher, the dance creator, the maestro, the song writer, the singer, the symphonic conductor, know that we are His dance partners. We dance with Him. We also dance with one another and learn how to swirl, to spin, to sweep, circle, bow and bend.
But we need help, training, pacing, practice. Some cry, "Teach us Master the SlowStep, the FastStep, the Waltz, the Rumba. - Unify us in the Line Dance, the River Dance, the Polka, the Jig, the Quadrille. Untangle us when we tangled up in the Tango. Keep us from stumbling, falling flat, and swing us back up in your arms when we do. Throw us heavenward like the little children we once were. Keep our heart beats in sync with yours in the rhythm of the drums You play and the bells You ring.
At the end of the dance whether it comes with a crashing crescendo or faintly hummed refrain, I see the Master lean over and whisper in my/your ear, "You are my beloved partners - forever and ever and ever and ever and ever. Stay with me and we will build dance halls all over the universe. Believe in me and we will fill them with dancers!"
Now that you've read about what I saw and heard, here are some things this vision spoke to me. For each of us there is a message.
A. Life is in continual motion. Sometimes we think we are "sitting the dance out", as useless as a bump on a log. Not so. Growth, change, movement is taking place. - Living or dying, going forward or falling backward - gaining or losing - building or destroying.
B. Some one who knows us well is playing a compelling tune we can either dance to, or blot out with the world's powerful discords. Sometimes heaven's volume is turned down. Then we must strain to catch the words and melodies. The more we tune in and listen, the sweeter the music and its messages become, and the more we want to sing along and flow with the dance.
C. I ask, "Are you acquainted with the Dance Master?" Without knowing Him we can not learn to dance. Our names must be written on his dance program. There is no joyful recognition of relationship unless we knock at His door and ask to be invited in. Knock and you are assured he will open up and welcome you, "Come join the dance."
D. Dancing takes practice. Missed steps, falls, bruises, unexpected changes in rhythm are inevitable. They are all part of the changing tempo of the dance. Our Dance Master will pick us up and set us on our feet whenever we fall. The dance will go on and the music will be more beautiful because of the occasional discords woven into it.
E. The end of today's dance is the beginning of tomorrow's more exciting dance. We are urged to attend. We are urged to fill up the dance hall. If need be we are to go out into the highways, byways, alleys, park benches, schools, halls of government, battlefields, jails, hospitals, churches, synagogues, soup kitchens, broken homes, broken people places, and bring other dancers in. - Do you want to learn to dance? Are you ready to try some new steps? What about it?
Do you have any comments? - If so, please enter them here: